Underwater highways may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but in reality, they exist in the form of submarine optic cables, a technology that has revolutionized communication around the world. These high-tech cables are responsible for carrying the vast majority of international internet traffic, allowing for instant communication between continents and powering the global economy.

Submarine optic cables are essentially long, thin strands of glass fibers that are designed to transmit data as pulses of light. They are typically laid on the seabed, where they are protected from environmental hazards and human interference. These cables are the backbone of the internet, carrying over 99% of all global data traffic, including emails, social media updates, video calls, and financial transactions.

The first submarine optic cables were laid in the 1850s to connect Europe and North America, and since then, the technology has advanced significantly. Today, these cables can transmit data at speeds of up to 100 terabits per second, allowing for near-instantaneous communication between even the most far-flung corners of the globe.

The impact of submarine optic cables on communication cannot be overstated. Before their invention, international communication was slow and unreliable, relying on satellites and traditional copper cables that were prone to interference and degradation. With the introduction of submarine optic cables, the speed and reliability of communication have increased exponentially, opening up new possibilities for collaboration, innovation, and economic growth.

One of the key advantages of submarine optic cables is their capacity for carrying large amounts of data. As the demand for bandwidth continues to grow, these cables have become essential for supporting high-definition video streaming, cloud computing, and other data-intensive applications. In fact, new cables are constantly being laid to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for capacity.

In addition to supporting high-speed internet connections, submarine optic cables also play a crucial role in disaster recovery and national security. In the event of a natural disaster or a cyberattack, these cables can quickly reroute data traffic to ensure that communication remains uninterrupted. This resilience is essential for maintaining the stability of the global economy and ensuring the continuity of vital services.

Overall, submarine optic cables have transformed the way we communicate and do business, breaking down barriers and connecting people from all corners of the world. As technology continues to advance, these underwater highways will only become more essential for supporting the growing demands of our interconnected world.

About the author

Kwame Anane